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For Immediate Release: June 15, 2021
Contact: Nancy Jackson (213) 978-1960

Today, the Ethics Commission launched a new online data tool to help the public view and research information regarding behested payments reported by elected City officials. 

State law requires elected officials to report when, at the behest of the elected official, a person makes payments totaling at least $5,000 in a calendar year to third parties for legislative, governmental, or charitable purposes, without receiving full consideration in return.

The Behested Payments Dashboard allows the public to easily navigate all data reported by elected City officials since 2000 and to view copies of all their disclosure reports.  The dashboard allows users to filter multiple data values at once.  Data can be filtered by elected official, date, payor, and payee. Results may be viewed as bar graphs or as detailed tables.

The purpose of the Behested Payments Dashboard is to help educate members of the public who are interested in learning more about behested payments but may not know where to begin.  The dashboard results can then be used to better inform deeper searches on the Ethics Commission's Public Data Portal (PDP).  The PDP provides access to the same information as the dashboard, as well as additional search options, reports, and data.  

For more information about the Behested Payments Dashboard or the PDP, please contact us.

To download PDF, click here.

The Ethics Commission was created by Los Angeles voters in 1990 to impartially administer and enforce the City’s governmental ethics, campaign financing, and lobbying laws.

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Ethics Commission