For Immediate Release: August 17, 2018
Contact: Nancy Jackson (213) 978-1960
Executive Director Heather Holt has determined that probable cause exists to believe that Eugene Day (Day) violated governmental ethics laws by misusing his City position and engaging in unauthorized outside employment.
Day was employed by the Department of Building and Safety. From December 2013 to June 2015, Day served as the City inspector for a large construction project located at 6500 Selma Avenue in Hollywood. At the same time, Day provided plumbing services on the Selma project through his company, All Day Plumbing. As a result, Day was inspecting and approving his own work. The general contractor on the Selma project, Ramland Construction, paid Day $541,000 for his subcontracting work.
The Ethics Commission staff initiated an investigation after receiving a whistleblower complaint. During the investigation, staff reviewed and analyzed records and interviewed Day and numerous witnesses. The Director of Enforcement then determined that an enforcement action should be initiated.
A probable cause conference was held on June 4, and the attached accusation was served on Day on August 8. It details the laws that were allegedly violated and sets forth the acts with which Day is charged: one act of misuse of City position or authority and one act of unauthorized outside employment.
After a finding of probable cause, a public announcement of the attached accusation is required by law. Day is presumed innocent of any violation, unless he stipulates to entry of an order or a violation is proved through an administrative hearing process. Following an administrative hearing, the members of the Ethics Commission must determine whether the alleged violations occurred and, if so, what penalty should apply. The maximum penalty that the Ethics Commission may levy in this matter is three times the amount of money improperly received.
A final determination regarding whether a violation occurred may only be made by the members of the Ethics Commission. The Ethics Commission and its staff may not comment on a pending enforcement matter.
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The Ethics Commission was created by Los Angeles voters in 1990 to impartially administer and enforce the City’s governmental ethics, campaign financing, and lobbying laws.