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For Immediate Release: February 1, 2022
Contact: Nancy Jackson (213) 978-1960

City of Los Angeles (City) and Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) candidates have reported raising campaign contributions totaling nearly $18 million and spending more than $6 million for the regular primary elections that will be held June 7, 2022. Total contributions and expenditures reported to date are detailed by race in the table below.

RACE TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS Reported as of 2/01/2022 TOTAL EXPENDITURES Reported as of 2/01/2022
Mayor $7,914,325 $2,555,563
City Attorney $3,084,670 $1,097,179
City Controller $952,522 $310,042
City Council Districts (odd) $5,267,175 $1,927,554
LAUSD Districts (even) $614,755 $237,186
TOTALS $17,833,447 $6,127,524

The most recent reporting deadline was January 31, 2022, covering activity from July 1 through December 31, 2021. The next reporting deadline is April 28, 2022, covering activity from January 1 through April 23.

Additional information about the candidates, independent spending, and political communications is available on the Ethics Commission’s Election Totals page.  Campaign activity and political communications may also be searched and viewed through the Public Data Portal.

The Ethics Commission was created by Los Angeles voters in 1990 to impartially administer and enforce the City’s governmental ethics, campaign financing, and lobbying laws.

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Ethics Commission